Gytz Studio
Tel CH +41 774014788
Tel DK +45 28114327
E-mail hg@gytz.com
Skype gytzgytz
Portrait photo by Katrine Rohrberg
Gytz Studio is initiated by Henrik Gytz Thorsager and specializes in visual communication. The client group consists of companies, institutions and individuals who demand a high standard of aesthetics, ideas and their function – and who recognize the advantages of working with a dedicated thinker and craftsman.
In essence, Gytz Studio is a traditional design studio focusing on the combination of idea, craft and finishing. Keeping with the growing importance of screen design – the development of websites and the like are further core competencies.
Henrik Gytz Thorsager holds an MA degree in Visual Arts from ZHdK, Switzerland (Kunstgewerbeschule) and has +10 years working experience.